最新消息 > stay in shape是什麼意思?女人為什麼癡迷完美身材|雅思口語素材


風馬牛學習筆記發布時間:05-1813:08stay in shape是什麼意思?完美身材,英語怎么說?讀完這篇文章,在評論區留下你的答案吧。話題You look like youre breaking up with the pizza, whats the matter? 你看起來像是要和披薩分手,怎么了?因為我不想長胖。看我腰上這一圈......Whats it called?whats the word for it? 叫什麼?用什麼詞來形容?A muffin top 游泳圈(腹部贅肉)Waking up in the morning and recalling every single thing I ate the day before, counting every calorie I consume, so I know exactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower. 早上醒來,回想前一天吃的每一件東西,計算消耗的每一卡路里,然后我就知道自己有多討厭洗澡了。Im so tired of saying no. 我受夠了說不。Im having a relationship with my pizza. 我和我的披薩戀愛了。It is your moral imperative to eat and enjoy that pizza. 吃這個披薩并享受它是你的道德使命。這么美味的披薩,值得我松開兩顆扣子......unbuttoned my jeans 解開牛仔褲的扣子雅思口語素材很多人對保持完美身材過度癡迷,你認為這是一種積極的生活方式嗎?為什麼?范文1Everyone has the right to decide what to do to his or her body. However, these decisions should only be made of his or her own free will, rather than being affected by others. It is obvious that nowadays many people try hard to stay in shape for fear of how others may judge them.每個人都有權決定對自己的身體做什麼。然而,這些決定只能由他或她自己的自由意志做出,而不能受他人的影響。很明顯,現在許多人努力保持體形,因為害怕別人會評價他們。I remember that 9 years ago, I gained7kg when preparing for the College Entrance Exams because of the overwhelming pressure. I actually didn’t eat much. What was worse, the more weight I gained, the more pressure I felt. It had become a vicious circle which made me so ashamed of my fat body.我記得9年前,由于壓力太大,我在準備高考時體重增加了7公斤。實際上我吃得并不多。更糟糕的是,我越胖,我感到的壓力就越大,這就形成了一個惡性循環,讓我為自己肥胖的身體感到羞愧。Then I picked up a new hobby —— running. I was driven by the goal to lose weight at first, but then I discovered that there was more than that. The course of running was the best time I talked to myself and my body. It was satisfactory that running made me healthier and happier, but what I found really rewarding was that I learned to love my body in a different way.然后我又有了一個新的愛好——跑步。起初,我被減肥的目標所驅使,但后來我發現還有更多。跑步的過程是我對自己和自己的身體說話的最好時間。跑步讓我更健康、更快樂,這是令人滿意的,但我發現真正有意義的是,我學會了以不同的方式愛自己的身體。范文2In my opinion, people should stop their obsession with having a perfect body shape.在我看來,人們應該停止對擁有完美身材的癡迷。The importance of staying in shape is overrated. Many people, especially young girls, care too much about how others think of their figure. Even some underweight girls claim themselves as being too fat and take losing weight as their urgent needs. I think this misconception is mainly caused by certain social biases.保持身材的重要性被高估了。很多人,尤其是年輕女孩,太在意別人對自己身材的看法。甚至一些體重過輕的女孩也聲稱自己太胖了,減肥是她們的迫切需求。我認為這種誤解主要是由某些社會偏見造成的。Take fashion industry as an example. It has long been the dominant trend that most fashion brands only use tall slim models, which has greatly misled the public by narrowing the definition of beauty.以時尚產業為例,長期以來,大多數時尚品牌都只使用高挑苗條的模特,這極大地誤導了公眾,縮小了對美的定義。Thankfully, more and more academics, celebrities, bloggers, and people from other areas are reclaiming beauty in different directions. Beauty comes in different sizes and shapes. Physical and emotional well-being always outweighs staying in shape.值得慶幸的是,越來越多的學者、名人、博主和其他領域的人都在以不同的方式重塑美麗。美有不同的大小和形狀。身心健康總是比保持身材重要。重點表達:anones obsession with sth 對......癡迷迷戀She would try to get rid of her obsession with chocolate.她會試圖擺脫對巧克力的迷戀。a dominantgrowing trend 主流上升......趨勢There has been a growing trend that women work in politics. 婦女從政的趨勢日益明顯。形容詞dominant 主要的;主導的(more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type)動詞dominate. v.支配,控制, 統治名詞dominance 統治或支配地位He refuses to listen to others and dominates everything. 他總是拒絕聽別人的話,專橫跋扈。The right hand is dominant for most people. 多數人習慣用右手。dominance反義詞submission 歸順,服從在遺傳學上,dominant特指(基因)顯性的The gene for brown eyes is dominant. 生成棕色眼睛的基因是顯性的。反義詞 recessive 隱性的sth comes in (different formssizesshapes)… 某事物以......呈現Beauty comes in different sizes and shapes. 不同的體型身材皆可為美。Success comes in different forms. 成功的方式有很多種。overrated 表示被高估的、評價過高的Shes an overrated singer. 她是一位被高估的高手。overweight 超重的;underweight 偏瘦的、體重過輕的He is slightly overweight. 他有些超重了。underweight girls 偏瘦的女孩be driven by 被......所驅動,目標是......I was driven by the goal to lose weight at first. 我一開始的目標是減肥。Our desire to achieve success should not be driven by money and fame. 我們對成功的渴望不應該被金錢和名譽所驅動。Im going for it. 正在努力(做某事)me-time是什麼意思?享受獨處,英語怎么說|雅思口語素材改變自己融入社會?英語怎么說|雅思口語素材相關搜索exerciseshape可數嗎heartpresentshape的用法癡迷的意思


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